Life in a Day

We watch a lot of streaming Netflix and especially a lot of documentaries, and last night we watched a really fascinating film called “Life in a Day.”  The imdb description is “A documentary shot by filmmakers all over the world that serves as a time capsule to show future generations what it was like to be alive on the 24th of July, 2010.” The movie  includes scenes selected from 4,500 hours of footage in 80,000 submissions from 192 nations, submitted by people after a video was posted on youtube asking for sumissions. I did a little research and discovered that 75% of the movie was made through those submissions and the rest came from cameras that were sent out to the developing world so that the whole world would be represented. Very cool.

You can watch it on streaming Netflix, but it is also available on youtube! It is a really interesting look at just one single day, at the world, nature, people, life. I found it beautiful and inspiring. It really makes you think about what a huge world we live in, and it made us want to travel! It also caused Trevor to pause the movie several times to explain various aspects of photography to me! There are some amazing views and perspectives shown.

Life in a Day trailer

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