Life these days

Life these past couple months: Vikings Broncos game at the MetroDome, work at the counseling office, Homecoming PepFest, Ugly Christmas Sweater party, Lefse making,  Thanksgiving in Sheboygan. The days really fly by with this job and all the other stuff going on. I am working, singing in the choir, hanging out with family, friends, neighbors, and still not taking the time to be creative and make stuff. My house is not organized like I like it. My closet’s been driving me crazy and I just pulled everything out and filled up a couple of bags of things I’m not putting back in. I’m way behind on all my Tivo’d shows except for a couple. It’s Christmas time and I don’t have any decorations up. But I am honestly happier than I was a year ago. Here’s to finding time, and to pretty please Lord Jesus not getting sick for Christmas this year! Love to you all, Kar.

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One response to “Life these days

  1. Kathy

    I hope you are still taking the probiotics. You are still well? That’s great!

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